, Are You Telling the Truth

I recently read an article that indicated that many people are reluctant to tell the truth because they might anger, offend or hurt someone’s feelings.


Instead, they try to honor other people’s needs and wishes because they don’t want to challenge, have a discussion or share their opinion.


Although this may feel right at the time, it can and often does send a mixed message which can cause stress and lead to distrust.


You don’t need to keep your opinion to yourself.


Communication is Power

Speak up and diplomatically share your thoughts, ideas and needs.


If you need time to form your opinion before sharing it, Say So!


Suggesting time to think about a situation is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of thoughtfulness and demonstrates confidence.


Being direct and truthful may not always get you what you want, but it can lead to a better outcome.


Let Me Know What You Think – Share Your Thoughts

Your partner in change,
