You Are Enough

You Are Enough

Living a good life requires you learning to love yourself and care for yourself without guilt!

As a priority, you must move away from toxic situations and negative people so that you can pursue higher goals and a more fulfilled life.

You cannot undo past negative experiences but you can commit today to making positive life changes that add to your happiness and bring you joy.

You deserve a happy and successful life and how you treat yourself is an investment in your future!

Take time to treat yourself to the things you enjoy. Sometimes that may be with family and friends. Sometimes being alone is just fine.

Practice communicating your needs, desires and the boundaries you set.

Remember that “No” is a complete sentence and usually does not require further explanation.

Prioritize your health and self-care.

You Are Enough and you deserve all the best that life has to offer!

Clear Your Mental Clutter

Clear Your Mental Clutter

I don’t know about you but I am constantly bombarded with distractions

throughout the day – Emails, social media posts, phone calls and requests for

information and your time.


When you take time to respond to these requests, you may find that at the end of

the day, you have not gotten much completed. You end up being tired, burned

out and unfulfilled with a never-ending To-Do list.


I wish I could tell you how to fully eliminate all the distractions but I must admit I

am still a work in progress. However, I am proud to say that I continue to get

better and I am happy to share some of the tactics I continue to use to

successfully move forward.’’


  • Schedule a dedicated time to declutter your workspace- I put everything in one big pile and then decide what to file, scan, shred, etc. I also use different color labels and markers for my folders. You need to decide what will work best for you and then be consistent.


  • Review your to-do list and calendar the night before and note 1-3 priorities as “must-do” items for the next day. Doing this gives you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.


  • No emails, phone chats or social media in the morning before starting on the priorities you have set, unless there is an emergency.


  • Turn your phone off or put it on silent at a set time every night and let people know that you are unavailable after that time – set clear boundaries.


  • Schedule 1 or 2 “reflection/clarity breaks. At least (1) 15-minute break in the morning and the same in the afternoon and move away from stressful demands and negative people during that time (give yourself time to think).


  • Break large task into smaller manageable parts so that they are less overwhelming.


  • When possible, delegate smaller task to others (this might include your children when you work from home)


  • If you are a techie, (I am not) look for tech tools that can be helpful.
    -To Do List Tool/Organizer: Asana
    -Meditation: Headspace
    -Productivity/Time Management: Pomodoro Technique
    -Notetaking: ReMarkable (or research other digital notebooks)


These are just a few tips to try. I welcome you sharing other ideas to help us all


You’re Invited!

To help you Move Forward with Purpose, join me on Saturday, Nov. 4th at 10:30 am EST as we strategize on adapting to change and how to best prepare for growth and opportunity in the new year.


Your Partner in Change,


Are Your Routines Moving You Forward?

Are Your Routines Moving You Forward?

All of us experience profound changes as we move through the journey of life.


The ups and downs create experiences that we enjoy as well as those we wish to

forget. No matter how much we plan and how much we pray, we can never

predict all that the future holds.


However, for many, holding on to what you have always done and doings things

in the same way, gives you a sense of comfort. Even when it is no longer working,

comfort and safety often outweigh logic!


But change is often the kick in the butt we need to help us grow.


In what areas are you holding on too tightly to what you have always done?

Are there routines or habits that you are holding onto that may no longer serve you well?


Now might be the time to make space to try something different.

What changes might you need to make?


Think about the habits, routines or situations you may have outgrown over time

that will allow you to make space for new successes.


How about taking just one of your dreams out of storage, taking a prudent risk

and trying something new?


What about reevaluating one of those ideas you said you would try “someday”?

To help you Move Forward with Purpose, join me on Saturday, Nov. 4th at 10:30 am EST as we strategize on adapting to change and how to best prepare for growth and opportunity in the new year.


Your Partner in Change,


Are You Telling the Truth

Are You Telling the Truth

I recently read an article that indicated that many people are reluctant to tell the truth because they might anger, offend or hurt someone’s feelings.


Instead, they try to honor other people’s needs and wishes because they don’t want to challenge, have a discussion or share their opinion.


Although this may feel right at the time, it can and often does send a mixed message which can cause stress and lead to distrust.


You don’t need to keep your opinion to yourself.


Communication is Power

Speak up and diplomatically share your thoughts, ideas and needs.


If you need time to form your opinion before sharing it, Say So!


Suggesting time to think about a situation is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of thoughtfulness and demonstrates confidence.


Being direct and truthful may not always get you what you want, but it can lead to a better outcome.


Let Me Know What You Think – Share Your Thoughts

Your partner in change,






Make Time For You

Make Time For You

Over time we have been conditioned to believe that More = Better & Busy = Productive. 

However, as you know, this is usually not the case and often leads to burnout, brain drain and stress.

Most of us have long, overwhelming To Do lists, but what would happen:

  • If you slowed down and focused on one or two things at a time?
  • If you took time to reflect and recharge?

How would you feel if you practiced some of the success routines you have heard and read about- took a nap, a walk, or just sat and reflected for a short time?

I know it may seem a bit uncomfortable and may feel selfish, but I urge you to set some quality time for yourself.

You Cannot Continue to Pour From an Empty Cup!

Trust that reflection and focus helps you look at solutions and opportunities that you may otherwise have missed.

We need to break the cycle of trying to do it all.

Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation!

If I can help you move forward with purpose, let’s talk!
