, Are Your Routines Moving You Forward?

All of us experience profound changes as we move through the journey of life.


The ups and downs create experiences that we enjoy as well as those we wish to

forget. No matter how much we plan and how much we pray, we can never

predict all that the future holds.


However, for many, holding on to what you have always done and doings things

in the same way, gives you a sense of comfort. Even when it is no longer working,

comfort and safety often outweigh logic!


But change is often the kick in the butt we need to help us grow.


In what areas are you holding on too tightly to what you have always done?

Are there routines or habits that you are holding onto that may no longer serve you well?


Now might be the time to make space to try something different.

What changes might you need to make?


Think about the habits, routines or situations you may have outgrown over time

that will allow you to make space for new successes.


How about taking just one of your dreams out of storage, taking a prudent risk

and trying something new?


What about reevaluating one of those ideas you said you would try “someday”?

To help you Move Forward with Purpose, join me on Saturday, Nov. 4th at 10:30 am EST as we strategize on adapting to change and how to best prepare for growth and opportunity in the new year.


Your Partner in Change,
