, Reflect, Recharge And Revisit

I hope that during these first few months of the year you have taken some time to reflect on all that you have previously accomplished, recharged and made time for self- care and revisited your goals and intentions for the future.

I know how easy it is to get busy and be distracted by things that can take you off course. Consider this a little nudge. 😊

Don’t beat yourself up about what you have not yet done.

You are too important to let your desires, goals and intentions fall by the wayside.

Instead, dedicate some time to review your intentions and write them down if you have not done so already.

Look at the barriers that may have prevented you from moving forward.

Was it skill or will that has held you back?

Did you really set a goal or was it just a dream?

Goals require planning, dreams do not!

Don’t let limiting beliefs and negative self-talk hold you back from moving forward with purpose.

If you need time to regroup, recharge or “just be”, then take some time, but put a deadline on it and set a real date that you will get back on track.

The best opportunities often arise during the most challenging of times, so give yourself some grace and be open to all that awaits you.

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. Strength comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t do.”

Now is the time to identify and leverage your strength and to optimize your potential.

Let me know how I might support you as you Move Forward with Purpose,

Your Partner in Change,
